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A few years ago I posted about formatting an eBook ready for publication for Mrs' latest. I had to do it again recently and...

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This post is using OAuth JWTs to secure multi-tenant services.

My application is running in Kubernetes and I have an Ambassad...

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There is a lot of information about CI/CD relating to devops, but surprisingly little about the specifics of actually deploying...

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Just a little background. I built a Vortex Manipulator (basically a smart watch that runs on a Teensy3 and does a bit more than...

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In my current project I'm using a GCP Cloud Function with an HTTP trigger. Cloud Functions are one of Google Cloud Platform's se...

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When I was putting together a unit test recently I had a small ephiphany about how the code I was testing ought to be structured...

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Jackson is what every Java programmer seems to use these days to serialize and deserialize json files. It's generally easy and o...

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As part of picking up some Kotlin skills I needed to build a jar library file with Kotlin source files. I'm coming from a Java/M...

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This is a bit rough but I use it to make bitmaps I can embed into my C code which I can then use as displayable icons.

To make...

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Most Arduino projects are one or two files and logging from those is not a big deal. Typically you have a few Serial.print state...

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