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Over the last few months I've been refining and debugging my home automation system. I've written about it earlier. The design c...

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A while ago I posted a breadboard friendly breakout board for the ESP8266-01 along with a breadboard circuit to flash it. Sinc...

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I’ve posted here before about my Beaglebone home server. A Beaglebone is like a Raspberry Pi, a tiny computer that runs Linux, d...

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Authenticating a user is a pain. Your application has to ask for the user and password, look them up somewhere, get hold of the...

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I decided to make my builds a bit more automated, specifically my release process which is always a bit tedious. Travis offers a...

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Here’s the challenge. I have a private Nexus repository that I want to set up a formal approach to publishing artifacts to, espe...

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Last week I found a neat trick with JAXB2.

The project I am working on at the moment is a mix of web services and database, an...

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I am currently building an application that needs to use queuing. My usual response to queuing is to either roll my own (if the...

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I’ve been building a tiny connector board for an ILI9341 LCD. For the uninitiated this is the specification for a small display...

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Over the last couple of years we have seen AI technologies really delivering value to us. Speech recognition is the obvious exam...

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